• Contact us within 30 days of purchase. CLICK HERE to access our returns center to process your return or exchange. After 30 days, we are unable to process any returns or exchanges.
  • Follow the steps in the returns center. Return your items within 15 days of receipt of your shipping label. 
  • Once your returned item is received and inspected, you will be notified via an email. You will also be informed about the approval or rejection of your refund or exchange request.
  • If a refund is approved, the refund request will be processed within 5-7 working days after approval. If an exchange is approved, the exchange will be processed within 2-3 business days of the items being received. 
  • If your items are not approved, according to the eligibility rules below, you will be sent a notification of rejection and a shipping invoice so that the items can be mailed back to you. We are not responsible for any shipping costs or costs of products associated with rejected returns or exchanges.
  • Exchanges are free for one round of exchanging items. 


  • Items must be in original condition, unworn (other than trying on the garment) and unwashed.
  • Items with visible signs of use including deodorant stains/cosmetic stains, perfumes/scents, animal hair, etc. will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer at their expense.
  • They must be in their original packaging if possible. Otherwise, the customer is responsible for suppling the packaging.
  • Items listed as "sale" or "on sale" are not eligible for returns or refunds. All sales are final on these items.
  • Exchanges for items listed as "sale" or "on sale" may not be available, but we are happy to exchange items that are still in stock.
  • Exchanges may be limited on items that are being discontinued. In this case, please contact us for a return and we will issue a refund or you can exchange for a different item.


  • We cover shipping costs for exchanges and returns in the United States. The items will be shipped for free via a pre-paid return shipping label that will be provided.
  • Exchanges or returns are free for one round of exchanging items. Any further exchanges or returns will be paid for by the customer and need to be shipped back to the following address:
          Disciple Threads
          4107 SW 45th Ave
          Ste 4 
          Amarillo, TX 79109          
  • Original shipping charges are non-refundable.
  • If your package is marked as "Undeliverable" or "Return to Sender", a re-shipping fee will be required.
  • Internationally shipped items are not eligible for free exchanges. You will be responsible for covering all shipping costs.
  • See more information on shipping here.